Career Pocketbook: A Media to Improve Primary School Students’ Career Understanding

Maryam Rahim, Wenny Hulukati, Nurul Maulida Alwi


Abstract: This study develops a career pocketbook as a career information media to accelerate career understanding among primary school students. This research and development study was completed in a number of stages, including (1) preliminary study, (2) product design, (3) product development following the design, (4) limited tryout, and (5) product revision. For the limited tryout, we conducted a number of tryouts. In the first limited tryout, we involved the experts (from the guidance and counseling field, career guidance and counseling field, and Indonesian language), followed by an individual tryout involving nine students and three counselors, then a small group tryout with 15 students. The primary data were collected using a questionnaire. Further, the data from the experts were analyzed using content analysis, and the experimental data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the analysis of the tryout data suggested that the developed career pocketbook is feasible to be used as a guidance and counseling media, primarily to enhance elementary school students’ career comprehension. Further, this career pocketbook can be suggested as the media for students’ career guidance and counseling.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan career pocketbook sebagai media layanan informasi karier untuk meningkatkan pemahaman karier siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan tahapan: (1) studi pendahuluan, (2) merencanakan penelitian, (3) pengembangan desain, (4) ujicoba lapangan terbatas, dan (5) revisi desain. Subjek ujicoba lapangan terbatas terdiri dari: subjek uji ahli (ahli media bimbingan dan konseling, ahli bimbingan dan konseling karier, ahli bahasa Indonesia); subjek uji coba perorangan terdiri dari sembilan orang siswa dan tiga orang konselor sekolah; dan subjek uji kelompok kecil dengan menggunakan metode quasi experiment berjumlah 15 siswa. Teknik utama pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Data validasi ahli dianalisis secara kualitatif (analisis isi), dan data eksperimen dianalisis secara kuantitatif (uji Wilcoxon). Hasil analisis data uji coba lapangan terbatas menunjukkan bahwa career pocketbook layak digunakan sebagai media layanan bimbingan dan konseling untuk meningkatkan pemahaman karier siswa sekolah dasar. Career pocketbook dapat direkomendasikan sebagai media layanan bimbingan dan konseling karier untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa sekolah dasar tentang karier.


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Maryam Rahim (Primary Contact)
Wenny Hulukati
Nurul Maulida Alwi
Rahim, M., Hulukati, W., & Alwi, N. M. (2023). Career Pocketbook: A Media to Improve Primary School Students’ Career Understanding. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 8(1), 59–68.

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