Development of Guidebook for Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling to Improve Vocational High School Students’ Career Self-Efficacy

Imro’atul Khasanah, Yuliati Hotifah, Indriyana Rachmawati, Augusto Da Costa


Abstract: Career decision-making of vocational high school students is still something that does not receive serious attention and causes students to experience career decision difficulties. One of the causes of difficulty in making career decisions is students' lack of confidence in their abilities. This study aims to develop a guidebook for rational emotive behavior counseling (REBC) which is intended for school counselors. REBC counseling can help counselees to understand their cognitive conditions that lead to emotional disturbances so that counselees can change irrational thoughts and understand the consequences of their behavior. The guidebook that was developed contains material on career self-efficacy, REBC counseling, and procedures for implementing REBC counseling in six stages of counseling sessions. This development research uses research and development methods from Borg and Gall with research procedures that have been adapted to the conditions of the research field. The guidebook validity test was carried out by one expert who tested the material, one media expert, and two school counselors as potential users by taking into account the accuracy assessment, usability assessment, convenience assessment, and attractiveness assessment. The results of the material and media expert test were analyzed using the average, while the results of the prospective user test were analyzed using the inter-rater agreement. The test results show that the guidebook gets a high score and it can be concluded that the REBC counseling guide that has been developed is suitable for use by school counselors in implementing REBC in order to increase the career self-efficacy of vocational high school students.


Pengambilan keputusan karier siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan masih menjadi suatu hal yang kurang mendapat perhatian serius dan menyebabkan siswa mengalami kesulitan keputusan karier. Salah satu penyebab kesulitan mengambil keputusan karier adalah ketidakyakinan siswa terhadap kemampuan yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah buku panduan konseling rational emotive behavior counseling (REBC) yang diperuntukan bagi konselor sekolah. Konseling REBC dapat membantu konseli untuk memahami kondisi kognitifnya yang mengakibatkan gangguan emosional, sehingga konseli dapat merubah pikiran irasional dan memahami konsekuensi dari tingkah lakunya. Buku panduan yang dikembangkan panduan berisi tentang materi efikasi diri karier, konseling REBC, dan prosedur penerapan konseling REBC sebanyak enam tahap sesi konseling. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan metode research and development dari Borg dan Gall dengan prosedur penelitian yang telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan penelitian. Uji validitas buku panduan dilakukan oleh satu ahli yang menguji materi, satu ahli media, dan dua konselor sekolah sebagai calon pengguna dengan memperhatikan penilaian ketepatan, penilaian kegunaan, penilaian kemudahan, dan penilaian kemenarikan. Hasil uji ahli materi dan media dianalisis menggunakan rerata, sedangkan hasil uji calon pengguna dianalisis menggunakan inter-rater agreement. Hasil uji menunjukkan buku panduan memperoleh nilai yang tinggi dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa panduan konseling REBC yang telah dikembangkan sesuai untuk digunakan konselor sekolah dalam melaksanakan REBC guna meningkatkan efikasi diri karier siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan.


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Imro’atul Khasanah (Primary Contact)
Yuliati Hotifah
Indriyana Rachmawati
Augusto Da Costa
Khasanah, I., Hotifah, Y., Rachmawati, I., & Costa, A. D. (2024). Development of Guidebook for Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling to Improve Vocational High School Students’ Career Self-Efficacy. Buletin Konseling Inovatif, 2(2), 48–55.

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