Validation of Feedback Questionnaire on Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom in COVID-19
Flipped classroom, Remap Group Investigation, Reproduksi sel, Umpan balikAbstract
Abstract: Using technology, lectures are now moved out of the classroom and delivered online as a means to provide interaction and collaboration in COVID-19. Reading-Concept Mapping (Remap) Group Investigation (GI) - based flipped classroom is a modern instructional method to engage students in the learning process by replacing the didactic lectures. In this study, a feedback questionnaire was developed to study the perception of participants on Remap GI-based flipped classroom activities in COVID-19. To determine the reliability of a feedback questionnaire for monitoring flipped classroom activity on Cell Reproduction in twelfth-grade students from the Natural Science Program of SMAN 8 Malang Indonesia. In this cross-sectional study, a flipped class was conducted on 56 students of the Natural Science Semester 1 program. A feedback questionnaire, based on a five-point Likert scale, was developed to monitor Remap GI–based flipped classroom activity in COVID-19. Remap GI was conducted with reading, concept mapping, and collaboration with GI, and then flipped class was audio and video presentation platform Google Classroom. Audience response was captured by using Google Forms. Feedback was obtained from every participant at the end of the flipped classroom activity and debriefing was done. There were 56 responses, 21(38.9%) male and 33(61.1%) female respondents. The overall Cronbach’s alpha of the final version of the Remap GI–based flipped classroom feedback questionnaire was 0.881. The evidence from this study suggests that this feedback questionnaire is a valid teaching-learning tool for monitoring Remap GI–based flipped classroom activities during the delivery of Cell Reproduction and Heredity Patterns in Natural Science Senior High School
Abstrak: Pemanfaatan dengan teknologi, perkuliahan kini dipindahkan kelas diluar waktu kelas dan disampaikan secara daring sebagai sarana interaksi dan kolaborasi dalam menghadapi Covid-19. Reading-Concept Mapping (Remap) Group Investigation (GI) berbasis Flipped Classroom adalah metode pengajaran modern untuk melibatkan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggantikan didaktik secara ceramah. Penelitian ini, kuesioner umpan balik dikembangkan untuk mempelajari persepsi siswa terhadap kegiatan Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom pada Covid-19. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui reliabilitas kuesioner umpan balik untuk memantau aktivitas Flipped Classroom pada materi Reproduksi Sel pada siswa kelas 12 dari Program IPA SMAN 8 Malang Indonesia. Pada penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan flipped classroom terhadap 56 siswa pada Semester 1. Kuesioner umpan balik, berdasarkan skala Likert lima poin, dikembangkan untuk memantau aktivitas kegiatan Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom pada Covid-19. Remap GI dilakukan dengan membaca, membuat pemetaan konsep, dan berkolaborasi dengan GI, kemudian flipped classroom adalah platform presentasi audio dan video Google Classroom. Respon audiens ditangkap dengan menggunakan Google Formulir. Umpan balik diperoleh dari setiap siswa peserta pada akhir kegiatan flipped class dan dilakukan pembekalan. Terdapat 56 tanggapan, 21 (38,9%) responden laki-laki dan 33 (61,1%) responden perempuan. The overall Cronbach’s alpha dari versi final kuesioner umpan balik kelas terbalik berbasis Remap GI adalah 0,881. Bukti dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kuesioner umpan balik ini adalah alat belajar-mengajar yang valid untuk memantau aktivitas kelas terbalik berbasis Remap GI selama penyampaian Reproduksi Sel dan Pola Hereditas di SMA IPA.
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