Single Session Counseling Integrated with Expressive Art to Improve Students' Internet Altruistic Behavior
Abstract: The internet is one of the means to obtain information, interact, and even provide help to others. To be able to give voluntary help based on empathy, one must have internet altruistic abilities. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of single-session counseling with expressive art integration to improve students’ altruistic behavior on the internet. This study used a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The intervention in the experimental group used a single session counseling strategy that was integrated with expressive art. The control group was given an intervention in the form of individual counseling without using a single session counseling approach. Research subjects were selected using random assignment to the experimental group or the control group according to the established criteria. The data was collected by giving the Internet Altruistic Behavior Scale (IABS) psychological scale which was adapted according to scientific rules with a reliability of 0.92. The data analysis used was mixed ANOVA repeated measure. The results showed that single session counseling with expressive art integration was effective in increasing students’ altruistic behavior on the internet. Further research is recommended to expand the scope of research subjects, and be able to analyze gender and age differences between research subjects.
Abstrak: Internet merupakan salah satu sarana untuk memperoleh informasi, berinteraksi, bahkan memberikan pertolongan kepada orang lain. Untuk dapat memberi pertolongan secara sukarela berdasar empati, seseorang harus memiliki kemampuan altruistik internet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan konseling sesi tunggal dengan integrasi expressive art guna meningkatkan perilaku altruistik siswa di internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Intervensi pada kelompok eksperimen menggunakan strategi single session counseling yang diintegrasikan dengan expressive art. Kelompok kontrol diberi intervensi berupa konseling individu tanpa menggunakan pendekatan single session counseling. Subjek penelitian dipilih menggunakan random assignment ke kelompok eksperimen atau kelompok kontrol sesuai kriteria yang ditetapkan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara memberikan skala psikologis Internet Altruistic Behavior Scale (IABS) yang diadaptasi sesuai kaidah ilmiah dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0.92. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah mixed ANOVA repeated measure. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa single session counseling dengan integrasi expressive art efektif untuk meningkatkan perilaku altruistik siswa di internet. Penelitian selanjutnya direkomendasikan memperluas cakupan subjek penelitian, dan dapat menganalisis perbedaan gender serta usia antar subjek penelitian.
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